CLI Reference


Determine compliance with recommendations from for the repository at URL. The following code repository platforms are supported:

howfairis [OPTIONS] [URL]


-b, --branch <branch>

Which git branch to use. Also accepts other git references like SHA or tag.

-u, --user-config-filename <user_config_filename>

Name of the configuration file to control howfairis’es behavior. The configuration file needs to be present on the local system and can include a relative path.

-d, --show-default-config

Show default configuration and exit.

-i, --ignore-repo-config

Ignore any configuration files on the remote.

-p, --path <path>

Relative path (on the remote). Use this if you want howfairis to look for a README and a configuration file in a subdirectory.

-q, --quiet

Use this flag to disable all printing except errors.

-r, --repo-config-filename <repo_config_filename>

Name of the configuration file to control howfairis’es behavior. The configuration file needs to be on the remote, and takes into account the value of –branch and –path. Default: .howfairis.yml

-t, --show-trace

Show full traceback on errors.

-v, --version

Show version and exit.



Optional argument